

Hazy Art Editions and EXT3 are trademarks of PRINTIVERSE SAS with a capital of 1,000 euros, whose headquarters are located at 61, rue de Lyon - 75012 PARIS. Reg number : 917 689 077 00019 - VAT number : FR51917689077

The relationship between the company PRINTIVERSE (hereinafter "the Company") and its customers (hereinafter "the Customer") is governed by the general terms and conditions of sale defined below as well as by the professional practices established by the Federation of Printing and Graphic Communication (FICG, Paris VI). These terms and conditions apply to all sales and services provided through our website or in person, as well as those received by any other means (telephone, email, social networks). In accordance with the Intellectual Property Code, any total or partial reproduction of the printiverse.fr website is strictly prohibited and is subject to its copyright owner's right to take action against anyone who attempts to do so. Any other use constitutes counterfeiting and is sanctioned under Intellectual Property law unless prior authorization has been obtained from the PRINTIVERSE company.


Any order (regardless of the method) implies the customer's express and unreserved acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale and of the price expressed in euros exclusive of tax. Orders will only be effective after payment by the customer. Any order that has been placed and paid for can be cancelled before production begins. Once the status has changed, no cancellations will be accepted. Any cancellation is only effective after written confirmation by email. The company strives to maintain access to its website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, its responsibility cannot be engaged in case of interruption of service, particularly for maintenance or technical incidents.


All prices of the company are expressed in euros. VAT may vary depending on specific cases related in particular to editing or export.


Unless an agreement has been reached between the customer and the company, the full price of the order is payable before any production begins according to one of the following payment methods:

  • Credit card (VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS) via a secure platform (Stripe)


An invoice with the VAT will be edited for all order dispatched outside EU. If you are in EU and need one, please contact us with your order number.


In accordance with article L. 121-20-12 of the French Consumer Code, the Client has a period of 14 clear days from the day of conversion of a Pre-order to exercise their right of withdrawal with the Company, without having to justify their reasons or pay any penalty.

To exercise their right of withdrawal from the Order, the Client must notify their decision to withdraw by means of an unambiguous statement, without justifying their reasons. The Client may communicate their decision to withdraw to the Company by any written means.

In the event of notification to the Company by the Client of their decision to withdraw, regardless of the means used, the Company will send them an acknowledgement of receipt by email without delay. In the event of the Client's withdrawal, the reimbursement of the product(s) subject to the right of withdrawal will be made by the Company using the same means of payment as used for the initial transaction, unless the Client expressly requests a different means.

In any event, this refund will not incur any costs for the Client, except for delivery charges and any taxes which remain the exclusive responsibility of the Client.

The refund will be made as soon as possible, and no later than 14 days from the day on which the Company is informed of the Client's decision to withdraw from their Order.


Delivery will be made to the address indicated by the customer or to one or more addresses communicated and confirmed during the order process. The delivery time is given purely for information purposes and without guarantee. Any delay related to the carrier's delivery of the customer's order cannot serve as a basis for cancellation, refusal of goods or claim for damages. In case of detected delay, the customer will be informed as soon as possible. If the delivery takes place outside the European Union territory (excluding the EEC), customs taxes and formalities related to it remain the exclusive responsibility of the customer. The customer then undertakes to verify the conformity of the delivery with the country of delivery. In any case, the products travel at the customer's risk and peril, and in case of damage or shortage, the customer must make all necessary observations to the carrier by registered letter within 2 days following the delivery to the carrier. Under no circumstances can a dispute with a carrier justify the non-payment of invoiced goods.


Any claim must be made in writing by email ([email protected]) within 30 days after receipt of the order. The customer must report the anomaly or anomalies observed by providing all the necessary elements allowing the company to process the request as soon as possible (order number, photos, videos). The company only guarantees the exchange of a defective product by a product made in accordance with the initial request. In case of withdrawal of an order, the company may require the customer to return all the goods subject to the claim.


This contract is subject to French law. The language of this contract is French. In the event of a dispute concerning its interpretation and/or execution, the Paris court will have exclusive jurisdiction.
Under articles 313-1 and following of the Criminal Code, fraud constitutes "the act of deceiving a natural or legal person and inducing them, to their detriment or to the detriment of a third party, to hand over funds, values or any other property, provide a service or consent to an obligation or discharge, either by using a false name or quality, or by abusing a true quality, or by using fraudulent methods."
The offense of fraudulently using a means of payment may result in a sentence of 5 years' imprisonment and a fine of 400,000 euros. Attempting to commit this offense is punishable by the same penalties.
The policy of the company is to pursue criminally anyone who commits such attempted fraud. The company will file a complaint, particularly based on the information provided during orders.